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Xi Jinping: grasp the new trends in world military affairs military vigorously promote innovation

classification:Domestic News Views: Views release:8/31/2014 9:38:42 PM

Xi Jinping stressed that at the time of the Seventeenth Politburo collective study
Accurately grasp the new trends in world military development times vigorously promote military innovation
Xinhua Beijing August 30th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau August 29 afternoon new trends and promote innovation in the Seventeenth Military collective learning on the world's military development. CPC Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over study stressed that the world's new military revolution for us both an opportunity and a challenge. We want to take the high ground, around corners, to see the world military developments and changes to see a significant impact on the world's new military revolution, the formation of scientific knowledge and judgment, advancing vigorously promote military innovation, targeted national defense and army building reforms, better adhere to the Party's absolute leadership, adhere to the fundamental purpose of the people's army, our army really take on the historical responsibility entrusted by the party.
National Defense University Strategic Research Department Professor Xiaotian Liang on this issue to explain and talk about their views and suggestions.
Comrades Politburo listened carefully to his explanations, and discussions on the issue.
When Xi Jinping delivered a speech hosted learning. He stressed that the organization of a special Politburo collective study on military issues, the main purpose is to study new trends in world military development today, analysis of the situation and tasks facing our military innovation, the whole party on military issues, defense and military construction, attention to preparations for military struggle and enhance national defense and army building a good job of reform responsibility. In-depth study and research on military issues, whether it is from the perspective of the overall layout of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and understanding of the important status and role in the reform of national defense and army building, or to do a good job in all aspects in all areas of concern and support defense and army building reform efforts are It has very important significance.
Xi pointed out that studies military issues, we must first determine the scientific world development trend, accurately grasp the new trends in world military development. At present, the international situation is at a new turning point, a variety of strategic forces to accelerate the differentiation of composition, into the international system and to accelerate the evolution of profound adjustment period. In this unprecedented large change in the situation, the developments in the military field wide and deep, is the world's major development, major changes, an important part of a major adjustment. Military developments in this field, with information as the core, to military strategy, military technology, operational concepts, combat forces, organizational structure and military management innovation as the basic content, in order to reshape the military system as the main objective is to promote new military revolution in-depth development, great its speed, scope, degree of depth, influence, since the end of World War II are rare. World military developments and changes, and the world political and economic developments in areas such as echo each other, influence each other.
Xi Jinping stressed that this world's new military revolution is all-round, deep, covering the whole field of war and army building, directly affects the country's military and overall national strength, about the strategic initiative. This new revolution in military affairs, reflected not only in the military technological advances, also reflected in the constant innovation in military theory, but also reflect a profound change in the military system.
Xi pointed out that the face of the world's new military revolution challenges and rare opportunities, only the times, vigorously promote military innovation in order to close the gap as soon as possible, to achieve new leaps. 87 years of our military history is a history of innovation. Marxist military theory, Chinese people's revolutionary war and army building practice, Chinese traditional process of combining the art of war, our party by innovation, and gradually formed a set of principles and the institution of the army construction and administration, the creation of a people's war strategy tactics, forming a unique advantage of our military. We all need more than ever to inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of military innovation, and strive to establish a set of adaptation of information warfare and fulfill the mission requirements of the new military doctrine, institutional preparation, equipment, systems, strategy and tactics, management mode.
Xi stressed that military innovation arduous task, need to do a lot of work at the same time strengthen the overall planning, the focus should grasp the following principles requirements. First, we must adhere to the goal of a strong army, a positive lead. Party strong army targets under the new situation is a strategic planning and top-level design of the CPC Central Committee and from the overall national defense and army building made indicating the military direction of innovation, tasks, focus, a clear path to the realization of military innovation and testing standards. The second is to emancipate our minds, change their ideas. Military innovation compared with other areas of innovation, requires a higher degree of difficulty is greater. Faced with the grim challenges of national security and stability encountered in the face of reform in the deep-seated contradictions and problems, but we need ideas have a big liberation, courage to change the mind-set of mechanized warfare, establish ideas of information warfare ; changing the maintenance of traditional security mindset, establish a comprehensive security ideas to maintain and expand the strategic interests of the country; change single service combat mindset, establish ideas of various branches of the military integrated joint operations; changes stick sectoral interests thinking set, the army set up a game of chess, the ideas of the whole country. Third, we must adhere to seize the key, as a whole. Military innovation is a systematic project, which requires overall planning, coordination, and just hold a bid to seize the principal contradiction and the principal aspect of the contradiction, focuses on major through the whole drive up. Fourth, we should adhere to highlight the characteristics of innovation. Military innovation is the way to go independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, is committed to consolidate and expand our advantage.
Xi pointed out that our defense is the people's defense, promote the reform of national defense and army building is the common cause of the whole Party and the people. To mobilize the whole Party and strength, do a good job together. Civil-military integration must unswervingly take the road of innovation, in a wider range, higher level, a deeper level on the military innovation system integrated into the national innovation system, to achieve the simultaneous development of the two systems compatible with each other, so that innovation has been the strong support of military and continue to promote. Local Party committees and governments at all levels have important responsibilities incumbent upon the reform of national defense and army building, to have the spirit of active military support innovation, to promote the reform of national defense and army building to contribute.