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Close contact "getting cold": inability to fight mosquitoes can drink with a straw

classification:Domestic News Views: Views release:8/31/2014 10:01:50 PM

Ice Bucket Challenge "Walk kidney" Care needs to "take heart"
Ice Bucket Challenge to let more people know the group of reporters getting cold now visit found that light there is not enough money and material assistance
Getting cold more eager to "psychological thaw"
Close contact
Volunteers accompany Lukang Ning chat and give him a massage.
Core Tip
Lukang Ning, Wuming County chengxiangzhen Seto Pa village, unfortunately, his life could not as healthy as the name of peace. In 2009, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, also known as "getting cold."
Recently, swept the ice bucket challenge for many people around the world for the first time to know people getting cold this rare disease, but the living situation of people getting cold and they really need, how much can we learn? August 30, Nanning and Wuming group of volunteers visit condolences getting cold Lukang Ning, the reporter has also been accompanied by a close contact with people getting cold. Reporters found that, compared to donations, getting cold more likely to need psychological care or from society.
"Merciless" Situation
He even had no strength to fight mosquitoes
August 30, the reporter to follow Nanning Wuming Gong Yi bagui volunteers and organizations, caring people Wuming Spirit Water Forum, to Wuming "getting cold" Lukang Ning's home to carry out caring activities.
Lukang Ning home wall, hangs a family photo. Photographs of his parents, his brother stand together, that's when he's just sick according to his photograph is still relatively rosy face, body normal. But now he is wasting anomalies, and photos have been a different person.

Once, Lukang Ning is also a healthy and normal young people, but from July 2008, he began to feel weakness in limbs, some very simple things no way complete. At that time he did not mind, because the body may just feel too tired. Soon he went to the county cousin tram line help, and sometimes not even off the ground screw no force to pick up. Until April 2009, Lukang Ning was only hospital diagnosed as motor neuron disease.
Lukang Ning's mother told reporters, after had the disease, Lukang Ning can only drink through a straw, the toilet need someone to help, even mosquito bites at night, he can only anxious, had to call my mother to help fight mosquitoes .
Disease Lukang Ning often come to see the Internet and often volunteers to contact him, but due to the flexible fingers, barely sliding the mouse, most of the time he can only reply with QQ expression.
To sick son, Lukang Ning's parents a lot of trouble, by planting some vegetables and peanuts to raise money to cure his son. Lukang Ning's brother working outside year round, the monthly return of 1,000 yuan for medical expenses as a brother.